I am writing a new book about the creative process Many of my readers may not know that I have been writing a book about the creative process. It’s an idea I have chewed on and studied for several years. What is my progress? As of today, I have written a manuscript of about 60,000 words and am in the third draft of edits. My new book has a working title, too: MIND BLOWN: Bridging science and magic to unlock your creative genius. How does creativity actually work? I am curious. How does creativity work? How can we get better at it? A lot of books give us habits and systems to follow. I hope to explain well what I have found under the hood–the engine behind creativity! It is about bridges, connecting between opposing things. I have distilled it into three steps: The Dream, The Sandbox, and The Story. The…
I have some questions for you my friends and readers out there. The reason I have been blogging for so long–almost 9 years now–is the dialog with real people. I have prepared sermons, found places to visit and changed my thinking because of the encounters I have had with you. This topic is for us “creatives” out there.