Topic Examples

The Pyramid of Execution
Troubleshoot the invisible building blocks that result in what everyone eventually sees. I walk you through the harder conversations to ship something great.

The Six Hats of the Worship Leader
From the book that's helped thousands of worship leaders, I teach what it really takes to build and reproduce a healthy and growing worship team.

The Creative Process: Discover, Develop, & Deliver
I teach how to gain and apply the practices and processes of the most innovative and creative people. (Research found in new book, MINDBLOWN.)

Factory vs. Family
Volunteer Development: I teach how serving people instead of a machine is not only more human but gets superior results, response, and participation.
Rich Kirkpatrick
Rich is available for speaking, coaching, or consulting. His expertise and topics range from creativity, strategic leadership, worship revitalization, and developing volunteers. Savvy leaders and organizations know well that a seasoned outside voice increases growth and their capacity for impact.
Names of past clients are available upon request.
If you have an interest, click the button to inquire.