
The Six Hats of the Worship Leader – A book author’s invitation!

How about a book about reproducing worship leadership in others? I am simply inviting you to take a fresh look at my book, The Six Hats of the Worship Leader. If you haven’t read it yet or haven’t read it in a while, I’d love to hear from you and have you check out the book. I am always game to follow up with my readers and some have even become good friends! This book has helped many over the last few years. When a lot of training has been on simply skills or technology my book takes a different angle. People are who we need to lead since gear can only take you so far. What if there were very practical ways to take the role of worship leading and grow it? One of my favorite things about being a book author is in interacting with readers. I assume I am not…

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All Sons & Daughters cover by Dad & Daughter – “Great Are You Lord”

Intergenerational worship is something we all say we value in the local church. But, it is not easy to display in real life. My daughter, Emilie, has led worship with me since she was about 13. Now, with her college work, songwriting, boyfriend and day job it is quite a treat to co-lead with her whenever I can. Ministry, whether as a paid “church worker” or volunteer lay person is a family business. Or, at least I think it should be. Our faith should be passed on not just in word but in deed. 

All Sons & Daughters song “Great Are You Lord” is now a Dad & Daughter song as you will see on this recording. How are you living out intergenerational ministry?

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