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Hype, Manipulation and Other Unseemly Ministry Tactics

Photo Credit Sophia Louise Creative Commons  It was repeated several times in a church staff meeting, so it was nothing new this time. The pastor instructed us to essentially be his “amen corner” during the sermon and exuberant charismatics during the musical time of the service. Laugh, visibly take notes, and clearly “leading” the crowd around you to respond to the platform. Of course, if the staff were lazy slobs and sleeping during the sermon and eye-rolling at the worship leader I might expect a reprimand. But, it was clear the goal was to create a more charismatic response through manipulation rather than instruction. Might the congregation say amen if the sermon was better delivered? Might the church sing louder if they were invited rather than coaxed into it? Authoritarianism Versus Egalitarianism In 2015, a movie called The Experimenter told the story of famous social psychologist Stanley Milgram. His experiments…

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A Random True Story for Holy Week – “Lost and Found”

We take it for granted that God is at work all around us, and even in us. Let me tell you a little story about this. You see, the random, chaotic, and uncertain world we live appears to meet us with coldness most of the time. Life is not fair. That is a fact. There are some who are disadvantaged while others have fortune smiling on them. All the while, it is not their fault for the circumstances they are born into. Indeed, we can also crash and descend with our own efforts as well. But, we can pull ourselves up and even more so we can pull up those around us. In between saving the world and just making it through the day are stories like these.

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Creatives: Here’s How to Make Sensitivity a Strength Instead of a Trap

Many who are very creative deal with this thing called sensitivity. It means that there sometimes is a thought, experience or encounter that most people easily forget that stays fresh in the mind of a creative. The ability to relive an event in full color can bring forth an amazing song or powerful painting. But, both the pleasure and the pain can be a trap to the creative if not leveraged properly. Perhaps, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) inflicts more of us than others for the same reason. If the event was positive, then disappointment of current reality could lead to depression. Worse, the most painful moments in life fade slowly, leaving an open wound in need of healing. The healing process for a creative then is a bit different–because creatives truly are, differnt. Where others may cope by refocusing on a new activity, the creative is trapped, stuck, obsessed. So,…

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2015’s Top 5 WORST Trends in Worship Leading

I have identified five trends that have come to life this year that might be damaging to our expression of Christian worship. Some of these are connected to a tool’s application. The wonderful tools we have around us and the choices for leaders are greater than ever. Our ingenuity and cleverness has reached new heights. But, with all creativity there are two sides. Creativity as innovation solves a problem. Creativity as art tells a story. When we forget the story—basically who we are—in our desire to solve a presenting issue we lose ourselves.

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Something BIG and NEW: “a beautiful liturgy” Music Project!

At age 13, my daughter Emilie Kirkpatrick began leading worship with me. In the past eight years, she has released two projects of her own songs and is a in skillful worship leading as well as songwriting. These eight year have formed a collaboration. Recently, we formed “a beautiful liturgy” as a music group to write and lead worship! We have already recorded one of the five songs for our 5-song project! But, we need your help and support as independent musicians. On or on this video and link, you can see and hear our story! The site even has a sample of the song we already recorded. Please, give it a watch and let us know what you think!

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RKBLOG among Worship Leader Magazine 2015 ‘Best of Best” Blogs!

For a third time, RKBLOG has been recognized by Worship Leader Magazine editors as a distinguished resource for leaders who are involved with worship ministry and leadership in the local church. The November/December “BEST OF 2015” issue recognizes a whole slate of resources including technology for churches, books on leadership, and school programs focused on worship.

It is also quite an honor to be part of the National Worship Leaders Conferences over the past years as an instructor. There are excellent people out there in the blogging world that are also recognized and many more who were not mentioned. What makes this important is the relationship with my friends and fellow creatives who read RKBLOG. Thank you for the years of contribution and meaningful conversation. We have much work still to do in inspiring people to CREATE – BELIEVE – LEAD! 

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Does modern worship fail by trashing the line between the sacred and secular?

A few years ago, a young adult very openly expressed his frustration with worship at church. “Rich, why is it that I feel closer to God at a Coldplay concert than I do at church?” This was a stunning admission, because it represented not just his experience but that of many and perhaps spoke to some doubts in my own mind. However, what came from this conversation changed how I viewed worship in church. Worship at church should either be made more like the secular music out there, if that is truly more spiritual. Or, there is something missing in the worship at church that needed to be changed. I tried the first, making relevancy a goal, but I think that hand has been overplayed. So, I am left with the second idea. What is missing?

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Top Ten Ways to Have a Fantastic Worship Experience!

If you are an avid worshiper of Christ and attend church on a regular basis, you probably already know what a fantastic worship experience is to you, right? Or, maybe you don’t attend church as often as you might because your past worship experiences never hit the mark. Having been to church more than many, I see the gamut and know that even when one person is soaring in their version of a worship service, another may be unaffected. There are many factors that contribute to why there is so much disparity, but I think I found ten reasons that will aid you in your experience of worship. I hope these help you!

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People NOT like us: Fighting the demon of differences

With hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees flooding Europe, our response as a nation has at best been tepid. We have 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., but many would rather build walls than talk about how humanely to deal with the small children caught in the political crossfire. This week a 14-year-old geeky student brought a homemade clock to school and was arrested for making a “fake bomb”—four policeman surrounded and handcuffed the confused, slightly built young man. He happened to be Muslim and “looked” the part. Why is it that people not like us bring out our dark side? I believe that fear for our safety seems to trump human dignity. But, should it? Would we put Japanese-Americans in concentration camps if we had it to do all over again?

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10 Years of Blogging! 2005 to 2015

Back in September of 2005 I officially launched myself as a blogger. They were called “weblogs” in the early millennial days which is why my Twitter handle is still @rkweblog. Ten years of conversations and life later I am now with media recognition as one of the top 75 Religion Bloggers in the nation, listed amongst some very impressive individuals of faith.

My wife has taught me the value of birthdays and celebration and for that I am grateful to her! I may even bake a cake tonight, but what I would love is just a simple “hello” to let me know you’ve stopped by. After all, this blog is nothing without the thousands of readers over the years who have endured my progress as a writer and human being.

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